Impressionist image of the Tatra Mountains, captured from the Kondracka Pass. The composition of cold colors & texture of brush strokes that build the surreal image, resembling sea waves in motion. The cool beauty of the mountain peaks and the crisp air, a feeling of victory and fulfillment.
"Vision of a Tree" is an contemporary oil Painting, expressive picture of evening sun shining through tree branches and green leaves. illuminating grass and ground with bright mosaic colors. Strongly accentuated thick oil paint brush strokes, impressionistic style creating a rich flake-like texture. Scene of a vibrant colorful leaves, blades of grass, sky & textured tree trunk. Oil Paintings &…
I created Woods wandering in a nearby forest on a rainy day. I encountered a group of trees that had been marked by foresters for logging, or maybe some kind of conservation procedure. Using an orange paint dot in the center of the trunk. The view was magical, combined with the calm, fresh and wet atmosphere of the emptiness in…
Yeshua is a symbol of ultimate tragedy, a sinless, innocent man, only the good and thruthful, betrayed, broken, destroyed and sacrificed. The ultimate symbol of self. Rewarded, resurrected, liberated, he returns to God receiving an eternal reward. Symbol of the final, highest version of a human being. Cultural and social end goal, a being composed of pure love and understanding.…